Health and Wellness Copywriter 

Conversational copywriter for the mom living her dream and building a new one. 

Sound and feel like you with every word.

Website Copy |Blogs |Email Sequences |Email Newsletters |Social Media| 1:1 Support

Health and wellness copywriter for the ambitious entrepreneur who is MORE than just a CEO.

Hey there, are you ready to reach your clients in a way that speaks to them?

Your dream clients are looking for you, so let’s make it easy for them to find you!

Are you overwhelmed with your midnight feeds, brainstorm explosions, juggling biz & life,  sleep deprivation - all while finding time for YOU? 

I totally get it!

I’ve been in your place, and I’m telling you right now that I can help lift that burden from your laundry list of tasks that needed to happen…like yesterday. 

And this my friend, is where our friendship blossoms. 

With conversational copy that sounds and feels like you – your days of feeling overwhelmed by just the idea of writing about yourself are OVER. 

Let’s start attracting the people who need you by understanding your biz inside and out, getting to know your people, relating to them, and solving their problems!

Together we will guide your audience through your process, leave nothing to question, and showcase the undeniable values of your unique service!

  • About Me

    Fellow Mom and Conversational Copywriter, infusing psychology & heart into your business writing

  • Services

    Copywriting, content writing, and 1:1 programs to meet you where you are.

  • Resources

    Free Resources to help you tap into the inner writer in you!

Glow up your client’s experience from the moment they step into your world - with research backed content, consumer psychology techniques, and an expert copywriter by your side.

Imagine publishing like this….

You have no more anxiety or stress over your business writing. Your words are organized and establishing your voice among the competition feels easy.

I mean sure, someone else might be offering something similar, but there is only ONE you, and only one business that offers exactly what YOU do!

Think about it… you’ve built a beautiful life for yourself and your family… you’re already so amazing… let’s write business words to match.

Look, I see you doing the most – You’ve kept up with everything that comes along with being a parent, the CEO of a business, and you’ve done freaking amazing (if you do say so yourself!) – but, at the same time, your list keeps growing, your 24/7 job as a parent is exhausting, and you’re ready to delegate.

SPOILER - you don’t have to feel stuck on that struggle bus anymore!

It’s okay to outsource items that aren’t necessarily in your zone of genius!


It’s okay to give yourself some room to breathe and have a fresh set of eyes that can both enrich and spark life into your business.

Take it from me friend, hire a copywriter (ME!) and take the pressure out of writing content writing & copywriting.

Confidently share your business with the world with writing that sounds and feels like you.

When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.

– Brene Brown



Maelyn here! Your conversational copywriter for your creative heart led business! 

I am the proud owner and sole writer of Maelyn Murray Agency LLC.

I am an animal lover – Fur mom to VERY spoiled Maine Coon cats and a human mom to a sweet baby boy. My husband and I said a big F-U to all the stereotypes and we love it! A few examples – I asked for HIS hand in marriage (he said yes!) and he is the stay at home parent!

Being a parent and business owner is chaotic, messy, and amazing. And I wouldn't change a darn thing. 

For as long as I can remember, clear communication has been one of my favorite love languages. I mean, who doesn't love being listened to & understood, right? 

The way we choose our words, our tones, and the delivery of our thoughts has always been something I’ve loved learning about and perfecting. With with my bachelors in psychology - I love incorporating psychology based techniques - which I like to call “bringing the human BACK into marketing”.

You could say copywriting found me. I started a blog about my life and fell in love with the process of writing stories that connected with others around the world.

Then, BAM! The world of copywriting trotted across my feed! As I found my happy place within the copywriting space, I realized I had found my calling. 

I’m here to help YOU feel less lost when it comes to your business messaging and empowered by the copy & content writing you publish!


If you answered YES to any of the above- You are in the right place!

I want to help you:

Attract your dream clients in a way that speaks to them.

Build your authority in your field with spectacular content

Add value to your content by infusing you & psychology based writing techniques.

And sell out your one of a kind offers by highlighting everything that makes you incomparable

Offers made for YOU

  • $3,500.00 USD

    What it is:

    1 Month of 1:1 consultation, collaboration, strategy, and getting the work DONE.

    Take your endless strands of words and create organized ideas, plans, products, and marketing for your business!

    Work with a conversational copywriter who helps you infuse your voice, consumer psychology, market research, and strategy into your business writing.

    This is for you if:

    🎯You’re a 6 fig female entrepreneur whose brain never sleeps

    🎯 You’ve got an overload of brilliant ideas and programs - but no direction & action

    🎯 You have been doing it all, but ready to call it and work with someone who can reorganize overwhelm and create abundance.

    🎯You don’t want the pressure of a VIP DAY or WEEK, but the same kind of attention, progress, and clarity.

    What’s included in the 1:1 Month:

    THREE - 60 min 1:1 calls to talk it all out - no need to present, stress over having everything beforehand, or feel like you’re wasting time. We can talk it out and get it DONE.

    Strategized projects from A- Z. (projects are agreed upon before contract is signed)

    Access to me through Google Chat - Monday - Thursday 9-6pm EST

    Ability to send idea docs to me throughout the program, with responses from me on how to best execute the next steps to create the best words to do it justice.

    *Program opens 3 spots per a month*


  • Starting at $4,000.00 + USD

    Your website is your 24/7 sales representative. It’s there to answer any and all questions while you are away. Make sure its doing it’s job!

    What it is:

    Up to 5 pages of website copy that informs, builds trust & authority with your audience.

    This is for you if:

    You have a business and want an online space you OWN

    24/7 marketing

    You want a space for your audience to learn more about your business and how YOU help solve their problems.

    Are ready to start reaching your target audience with ease & authority.

    What’s Included?

    60 Min Strategy Call

    Market research & competitor analysis

    Basic SEO keywords to reach and resonate with your ideal clients

    Up to 5 pages / 800-1,000 per page

    1-2 rounds of edits

    Google Chat Support M-F 9-4pm EST

    Publish ready- sent directly through Google Drive


  • 5 part email sequence - 1,050.00 USD / 7 part email sequence - 1,400.00 USD

    **$200 for each additional email**

    Contact your list as soon as they take any action on your page!

    I write your emails so that your audience gets an instant confirmation that they made the right move!

    This is for you if:

    You want to take advantage of one of the best ways to nurture your audience and remind them exactly why they signed up for your service/newsletter.

    You recently created an email list and need auto generated emails the minute they press “subscribe”

    You need a revamp on the sad “confirmed” email that your subscribers currently get

    You have a new offer or launch coming up and you want to do it justice by having a sequence solely created for the debut.

    What is included:

    ONE 60 min strategy call

    Personalized sequence & access to my free resources

    Blogs with basic SEO (keyword & key phrase research)

    1-2 rounds of edits

    Google Chat Support M-F 9-4pm EST

    Publish ready- sent directly through Google Drive


  • Email Newsletters (2/month) - $600

    *3 month, 6 month, 1 year commitment

    Emails are not dead, in fact they are one of the best ways to reach your audience consistently.

    This is for you if:

    You want to offer your audience valuable info in an easy and consistent way right to their inbox.

    You want to light up your subscriber’s inboxes with “must read” content that educates them and entertains them!

    You want to connect on a regular basis and build a real community and following.

    What is included:

    ONE 60 min strategy call

    Newsletter ideas & access to my free resources

    Blogs with basic SEO (keyword & key phrase research)

    2 newsletters up to 500 words each

    1-2 rounds of edits

    Google Chat Support M-F 9-4pm EST

    Publish ready- sent directly through Google Drive


  • 1,000 words - $400.00 / 3,000 words - $700.00 ( 2/month)

    *3 month, 6 month, 1 year commitment

    Blogs are one of the very best ways to connect with your audience in a helpful, nurturing, no strings attached way. It allows space to build authority, educate, convert visitors into clients, and you can repurpose your blog for social media!

    This is for you if:

    You want to attract the people who are looking for your services

    You want to connect with people and share value

    You want to make sales

    You want to increase organic traffic and your SEO game

    What is included:

    ONE 60 min strategy call

    Blog topic ideas & access to my free resources

    Blogs with basic SEO (keyword & key phrase research)

    1-2 rounds of edits

    Google Chat Support M-F 9-4pm EST

    Publish ready- sent directly through Google Drive


**All packages & services include**

+60 min strategy call

+1-2 rounds of edits 

+Google Chat Support  M-F 9-4pm EST

+Publish ready- sent directly through Google Drive

A la Carte Services

  • Social Media Icon

    Social Media Captions

    $1,200.00 USD | 12 written posts

    Consistently keep in touch with your audience. Life is busy, so connect with people while they are on the go with quick and engaging social media posts!

    Share quick tips, behind the scenes, your journey, customer transformations, and more!

    Engage and resonate with your audience with the combo of both visual & word magic!


    60 min strategy call

    12 written posts


    1-2 rounds of edits

    Publish ready- sent directly through Google Drive

    *3 month, 6 month, 1 year commitment

  • Lead Magnet

    Lead Magnets

    Starting at $700.00 USD l 1 Lead Magnet

    Create a free resource that educates future customers about something in your industry!

    Lead magnets are small but mighty tools - they are short enough to read, implement, and share. And long enough to feel worth downloading and sharing contact info.

    With an irresistible resource, grow your email list, nurture your audience, and share something valuable.

    Ex: Guides, checklists, quizzes, tools, lists, Ebooks, ect.)


    1 Lead Magnet (I have a list of ideas w/prices we can choose from!)

    Delivery Email & Follow Up Email Copy (2)

    60 Min Strategy Call

    1-2 round of edits

    Publish ready- sent directly through Google Drive

  • Website Audit

    Website Copy Audit

    $500.00 USD I Website Audit

    This is for you if you self-wrote your website copy and need a second pair of eyes on it!

    All website audits include a thorough review of how your website copy is performing and includes where & how you can make changes to improve your website!


    Complete word document with notes and areas to improve & ways to do this!

    Website content, speed, potential client journey, and website health.

    SEO Keywords

    Suggestions on how to boost your website’s reach

    Loom walkthrough of the entire audit.

Looking for something long term?

Ask me about my retainers!

As a parent and health & wellness professional, you know the power of words.

It helps people connect, even when it feels impossible.

Now more than ever, people crave connection with others, and your business could be the next best thing to pop up on their screen!

Tbh, in today’s world an online presence is crucial for every business – I mean, think about it – most people get their information from their handy dandy smartphones, right?

This is where I can help make your business be the answer they were looking for. Be the solution at the top of their search!

Your time is so important, and as a parent, you know it flies by!

With carefully crafted copy & content, you have the freedom to structure your day without the daunting task of writing for your business.

Reclaim that time with your little, with your friends, and your SO – do more of what YOU want.

Be kind to yourself and give yourself a break! You deserve it.

Don’t you agree?


How it works

  • You chose a package or service. We meet and talk about your project and goals in detail before anything is signed.

  • You say YES! The 50% deposit is paid and the timeline is agreed upon. Retainer plans are fully paid upfront each month.

  • You fill out the handy dandy client questionnaire that covers all our bases...and then -boom!

    You take a deep breath (and relax!) I'll take it from here friend!

  • I research & write some amazing copywriting or content writing just for you

  • I take your detailed feedback and 1- 2 rounds of edits are made!

  • You receive the final draft in a formatted google doc ready to be uploaded and published!!





Consumer Psychology Guide

This guide helps you tap into consumer psychology techniques for both your copywriting & website design.
​Work some magic with actionable psychology backed tips & tricks!

Homepage Guide

Create a magnetic homepage that covers all the bases!
​Get ready for your visitors to be OBSESSED at first sight! (no pun intended!)

Maelyn is an incredibly talented copywriter!

When reviewing the copy she wrote for my website, I was so impressed with how her copy spoke to my ideal clients exactly how I envisioned it would. She really took the time to understand my brand and my business and it showed in her extraordinary work!

Maelyn is a pleasure to work with and I would 100% recommend her anyone in need of copy for their business.

— Darla | Uniquely Ever After

Picture all the GOODNESS of….

→Announcing your new and improved website copy with pride and delight. Because not sharing it just feels wrong – because yes – it’s that good!

→Publishing blogs with ease and impact – sharing your biz & knowledge with the world and leading them back to your beautiful website!

→Posting consistent social media posts that engage your audience, teach them a little something, and make them feel like you just “get” them.

→Sending out monthly newsletters that keep your circle wanting MORE. Making them feel like being on that subscriber list is more than just a press of a button, but their monthly gab sesh of good advice, actionable tidbits, and ways to work with your talented self!

→Releasing open worthy email sequences that NEVER leave people feeling lost at the end. You’ve been invited into their inbox, and you don’t waste that honor! So, you’re keeping them up to date and sharing exclusive info & offers with *only* our subscribers.


Listen, your time is so important, and as a parent, you know it flies by!

Imagine the freedom to structure your day without worrying about writing for your business.


Complete the form + I’ll reach out to you within 48 hours.

Look friend, it’s okay to be a nervous nellie when figuring out how you want to show up in your biz.

Trusting someone else with something super duper important like copy & content writing is a big deal!

But here’s the thing,  when you find a writer who you feel knows & understands you…for, well you…it becomes an easy decision!

You know the feeling when you find someone who cares about your little one almost as much as you, and think , damn I hit the jack pot… working with me feels like this.

I love your business and I root for your success as much as you (maybe even more!)

Let’s get going, friend!



P.S. Want to shoot me a quick question? Feel free to send me an email or a DM on IG!

See what I’ve been up to on Insta!